About Me

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I am a junior at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. I really like it there. The campus is small and it feels like we are all just one big family. I am a theology/secondary education major and I am discerning a career in youth ministry.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Walking on God's Path: Introduction

Please bear with me. Almost all of this is straight out of my head onto the computer screen. I made typos, some grammar makes no sense and sometimes whole bits don't make any sense. Eventually I will edit, but for now writing it is the biggest accomplishment.

An Introduction, Preface, or Whatever Else You Want to Call It.
Hello! My name is Katie. This is my attempt at a memoir. Over my few years on this earth, I have seen God working in my life in many ways, helping me grow in my love for Him, my faith, and my desire to be a part of His Church. This story is about that journey that He has lead and is still leading me down. This is God’s path and I am just walking down it, trusting in Him and trying, despite my human weakness, not to get lost: lost in my selfish desires, lost in this materialistic and secular world, lost by following prompts from the Devil that may sound good, but in the end are not. This is a manifesto of how much God loves each and every one of us, a manifesto of how He works in our lives, and the goodness and happiness that overflows from us if we just follow His will for us. Come with me on this journey. Some dates may only be approximate, the conversations are not exact quotes, but typical to what that person may have said, and names are changed, but it is truth. Stick with me; I am working from memory and journal entries here! Let us being walking on this path and see where the Lord takes us, and thanks for joining me!

            Recently I heard from a very good friend of mine that life is a roller coaster and we need the seatbelt of prayer in order to not fall off the roller coaster. So, on that note, I would like to begin this book with a prayer, that the words I am writing are the words God wishes me to speak.

Come Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created.
And You shall renew the face of the earth. 
O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit,
did instruct the hearts of the faithful,
grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise
and ever enjoy His consolations,
Through Christ Our Lord,

Friday, August 13, 2010

After a long time away...

Sorry I haven't updated all summer. I was working with Totus Tuus in the Diocese of Tulsa all summer and had very, very, very limited internet access. I just have to say...this summer was AMAZING! I grew so much in my prayer life and my relationship with God. This summer gave me a new outlook on my future and what I am planning to do with my life. I am wanting to write down my life, especially this what happened this summer. I want to compile my journal entries into a coherent memoir. I think I will do that in little installments on this blog, so if anyone is reading out there, you can stay tuned. :-)

My awesome team!