About Me

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I am a junior at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. I really like it there. The campus is small and it feels like we are all just one big family. I am a theology/secondary education major and I am discerning a career in youth ministry.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Things I think about.

For the past six months I have been thinking a lot about Mary, the Mother of God. She was such a strong woman. I don't know if I could say yes if I was asked to give birth to the Son of God. Heck, I don't even know if I would believe what I saw/heard. I might just go ahead and think I am crazy. But, she can inspire us in our everyday lives. I can try to say yes to whatever God may ask of me. It might not be to care for His Son, but I am sure it is important if He would ask it of me.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's finals time..

and I am not to sure how I can do this twice a year for four plus years. So, I am sitting here avoiding writing my theology essay and studying for calc 2. I really am just ready to cry.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm starting to worry about Cortina...

If I don't get in, I don't think I will have a roommate.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

What a week it's been...

and yet still another to finals! Everything has been so hectic, and it really doesn't look like it is getting any better. But, for my theology class we are reading this book called The Way to Love by Antony de Mello. I really am enjoying the book. He talks about how you must rid yourself of attachments before you can be truly happy. Notice, you do not have to get rid of the people in your life or those things you enjoy, just the attachment to the person or object. You must recognize and say to yourself that you will be happy without this person or object. Even after a loved one dies and you miss them terribly, you do go on with your life. You continue to love and be the person you are. Your happiness did not rely solely on that person. I like that.

Monday, November 24, 2008

A Few Posts Ago...

I put up an older song that I have just recently discovered. I am in love with this song. Is is called Remember Me by Mike Schultz. I really just wanted to talk about my favorite lines of the song. It is in the last verse and it says, "Remember Me/When they're old enough to teach/Old enough to preach/Old enough to leave." These lines just really speak to where I am in my life right now. I think that it speaks to parents when their kids leave for the first time (like I just did). I think it really helps them to realize that everything is part of God's plan and that they need to trust that they raised us right and that we will make good choices. Just to let you know Mom and Dad, you raised me right. It is also talking to me. It resonates with my disernment of where my life is heading. I don't really know what that is at the moment, but I do know that I need to remember God in whatever I choose to do. I need to preach, I need to teach, and I may even need to leave. I left the only home I ever knew to come here to Creighton. Yes, I miss my family like crazy, and I am SO exicted to be home in just one more day, yet I cannot doubt my choice. I KNOW that I was called here for a reason and I will remember God in my life.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


you know when you really like someone, but you're not really sure if they like you back? When you think they like someone else? And they are your friend, so you don't want to do anything you're not sure of because it will ruin that awesome friendship? Yeah, I know that feeling.

Friday, November 21, 2008

To Everyone:

Remember Me
In a Bible cracked and faded by the years
Remember Me
In a sanctuary filled with silent prayers

And age to age
And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder, Child of God
I'll remember you
Remember Me

Remember Me
When the color of the sunset fills the sky
Remember Me
When you pray and the tears of joy
fall from your eyes

And age to age
And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder, Child of God
I'll remember you
Remember Me

Remember Me
When the children leave
their Sunday school with smiles
Remember Me
When they're old enough to teach
Old enough to preach
Old enough to leave

And age to age
And heart to heart
Bound by grace and peace
Child of wonder, Child of God
I'll remember you

Remember Me

Age to age and heart to heart
Child of wonder child of God

Remember Me

Age to age and heart to heart
Child of wonder child of God

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Only Three More Class Days Until Thanksgiving!

It is nearing the end of the semester and finals loom upon us. There is so much to be done and so little time to do it. I have a plethora of papers to write, chapters upon chapters to read, and on top of all that the Cortina application to complete, including its three essays. For all of you that don't know, Cortina is a Sophomore living community at Creighton University. It is based on the four pillars of community, service, justice, and faith. All of these things are dear to my heart and I really, really, really want to get in.
With all that is going on, I tend to forget about my prayer life. Tonight at Student Ministry Team (an all Catholic orginization on campus) we had a reflection about living our faith. The question that was raised was what keeps you from living your faith to the fullest? My answer quite surprised me. People just don't seem to care. In such a secular world it doesn't seem to me that anyone cares about the good you do. They seem to look it over and you being to think that it doesn't matter. Then I remember that that is not the point. The point is to love unconditionally without thanks or praise. I can live my faith just by loving, and if someone happens to ask me why I do what I do, I can honestly say my faith in Jesus Christ. That is how I will live my faith radically.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Question about God...

The other night I was at the Creighton Students for Life meeting. Mr. Jasper led us in a Igantion Meditation. He also encouraged us to spend 10 minutes everyday in prayer: 5 minutes telling God about your day and 5 minutes listening to God. I have always wondered what this is. So, here is my question to you: how does God speak to you? How do you pray and listen to God?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New Day

I started this blog as a way to record my thoughts as I prayed everyday. I must confess, that I have not done so well on that. I just don't feel like I have the time, and that is the really sad thing. I can't even take 5 minutes out of my day and give it back to God? But then I decided that my life is a constant prayer, or at least that I should make it one. I want everything I do to reflect on my faith. Today in Theology we discusses the God of Jesus Christ. Did you know that most Americans see God as judging and distant? I thought that this was interesting because I grew up in a home and a parish that taught that God is love. God is forgiving and he calls you back because it is the best for us as humans. We read some selections from the New Testament that showed this. We reexamined the parable of the prodigal son. It is not a story of repentance that most are taught. The son does not return to the father because he is sorrow; he returns because he is hungry. Rather, it is a story of God's love for us. No matter what we have done, God will love us if we seek Him out. We also looked at the section of the Gospel according to Matthew where Jesus tells us how to be saved. It is not by praying a lot or by knowing church doctrine perfectly. It is loving others as God loves us. That is what I want to do: love.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy All Saints Day!

Last night: All Hallow's Eve. My friends and I dressed up at Anne Boleyn, Mary Boleyn, and Queen Elizabeth I. All of the outfits I saw made me think of the origins of this very unique holiday. If I remember right from my grade school Catholic school classes, people dressed up as their favorite saint, but I don't remember what they got at the houses :-(. I am intrigued at how it turned from this to girls dressing up as sluts and it is ok. Hm...Any ideas anyone?

From Left to Right: Chris the Punk Rocker, Katie Queen Elizabeth I, Scarlett Anne Boleyn, Katie the milk main (and she wasn't the worst!) and Sarah Mary Boleyn.

My pretty hair do! I did it all by myself. It took almost an hour! Stephanie would be so proud.
Not the best front pic, but the best ones are other's pictures, so I don't have them to up load.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So, I haven't posted in awhile...

But, I think it is ok. Is anyone even reading this? Anywhos. I have been reading this little booklet called Living Faith. If you attend a catholic church regularly, I am sure you have seen it. It has little reflections for each day. I picked up the fall issue randomly one day, and I am so glad I did. It has really made me slow down at the end of the day and think about God in my life. I am exicted to me on the path I am on. It seems kind of scary to eventually go out into the world and get a job (I know, it is so far away, but I am still thinking about it!) I am scared of how I will fare with such a low salary and no hope for a promotion/more money. What will happen when I start a family? I don't know, right now I am just going with the flow and living life to it's fullest. :-)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Times, Old Friends

I actually remembered to pray first thing this morning. I am proud. I have also got the prayer memorized, so my new goal is to say it before I actually get out of bed. I went up to youth group today to say hi to some of the kids that I taught last year. I have really missed those amazing little kids. I also got to talk to the adults that I worked with. Not only that, I got to see my old youth minister and his family. It was really nice to talk to these people. Everyone around me ask me all these questions about my new life in college. They seem to genuinely want me to succeed and be happy. I am glad that my life is surrounded by these people. I am feeling very loved and blessed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Deuxieme Jour

So, today is the second day of my morning prayer. I spent the night in Mary's dorm, so I woke up and we went on to lunch. I remembered after I got back into Yukon and prayed it. There is an interesting thing to note. Mary and I sat down to lunch and we both said a blessing before eating. I guess I don't think about it too often, but Mary noted that is was nice to have someone else pray with her. My sophomore year of high school, my friends and I decided for Lent that we would pray before lunch. We reminded each other and it just became habit. I guess I don't realize the little prayers I say throughout the day. I think that others should bring back the prayer before meals. People turn to God with thanks when we get the promotion, when a friend of theirs is well after a scary illness, but we forget to thank God for the simple things, like food, shelter, or life. I am glad that my friends and I made the effort two years ago, and I am glad that it became a habit.

So, I was in Norman for the night, so here is the post from yesterday.

I decided for my first week I would concentrate on morning prayer. I think that this time is a good chance for me to explore many different types of prayer. I am trying for this entire week to say this prayer very first thing:

Glory be to the Father,
Who has createde me.
Glory be to the Son,
Who has redeemed me.
Glory be to the Holy Ghost,
Who has sanctified me.
Blessed be the Holy and undivided Trinity,
Now and forever.

I think that by adding this prayer to my morning routine, I am able to remember that the focus of the day in on God. I remembered this morning, but it wasn't first thing, like I wanted it to be. Oh, well. It is going well so far.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Beginning of an End

This is my attempt to end an old way of living. I am tried of my life not being completly to Christ. I think that the first step is to pray each day, something I have lacked in doing my whole life. I want my life to be a prayer; to live a prayer. This is the story of my journey...Let's see if I can even do it.