About Me

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I am a junior at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. I really like it there. The campus is small and it feels like we are all just one big family. I am a theology/secondary education major and I am discerning a career in youth ministry.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My faith makes me happy

It hasn't felt like Christmas this year. Maybe it's because a Christmas Eve blizzard kept me from seeing most of my family and we barely made it to Mass on Christmas Day. And even Mass was different, the church was nearly empty rather than being stuffed full.Maybe it's because I didn't get an internship I thought I would get and I am thinking about the track I'm on and if that's what God want for me, if I am meant to work with teenagers or if I should continue on and get my advanced degree. Maybe it's because this year more than any other people have been commenting about December not being the actual month of Christ's birth and one friend even rejoicing in a movie because it bashes religion. Most of these comments have not been directed to me (though some were). Most were just facebook status updates and other similar things. I don't know if those people even know how much their  comments bothered me.

Here's the thing: say for one second that I am wrong and there is no God (I'm not saying I am wrong, I still fully believe in God, but let us go with this hypothetical situation). If what all those people who do not believe in God say is correct, when I die, I will just fall asleep and nothing else will happen. I will go into nothingness. So, if God doesn't exist, my faith was for nothing in the sense of life after death. But what did it bring me in this life? Only happiness, a sense of fulfillment, and a purpose to drive me towards the good. It gives me morals and it is the reason I treat people so kindly. I wouldn't be who I am today without my faith. So, if all that happens to me after death is I sleep for eternity, why try and deny me happiness in this one? But, my intelligence exists. I will respect your right to believe or not believe in whatever. Please, respect mine.

What do you think? Why is contemporary Atheism so determined to take away our happiness and make all of us unbelievers?

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